January 2024

It has been such a good year and there are so many things to celebrate. After moving across the country and having a bit of a Chicago homecoming, I dug into working and continued my works on paper series from Houston. I am so pleased with the direction my work is taking me. I feel more and more like myself, which is to say I recognize my experience and my sensibility in my current work. Each group of pieces has a personality and speaks to the next one. There doesn’t seem to be too much heavy lifting besides some sketching, planning, writing. There is a sense of flow. My job right now is to listen and let the work come.

New Year’s Goal Setting has always been something fun for me and my family, but this year we just didn’t come together in the same way. So, I guess I’m writing down my goals now, in this blog. Here I go

  1. Learn to speak Spanish better in preparation for my trip to Uruguay

  2. Continue to apply to art shows and get a gallery packet together

  3. Work a bit each day and focus on color schema this year

  4. Continue to work on martial arts

  5. Work on creating inner peace and calm


February 2024